134. ‘Madame Liberte’ Is the Eves with the Adams again: “Beguiled” (Gen. 3:13) by (the Synagogue Of) Satan – Protocols of Zion 1:25, 3:14

Illuminati, CFR, One-World-Government Conspiracy & Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion JAHTruth.net/illumin

The Way home or face The Fire thewayhomeorfacethefire.net

The Hunger Games movie series – A French-style revolution being planned for America? by the same behind-the-scenes evil people: already happening? It looks like the movie-makers are telling us that Katniss Everdeen is on drugs: Ephedrine! – which if course the majority are: pharmaceutical and other drugs and food etc.

Excerpts from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

  1. Basic Doctrine. Point 25. Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll-parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob. …
  2. Economic Wars.
  3. Methods of Conquest. Point 14. When the populace has seen that all sorts of concessions and indulgences are yielded it, in the same name of freedom it has imagined itself to be sovereign lord and has stormed its way to power, but, naturally like every other blind man, it has come upon a host of stumbling blocks. It has rushed to find a guide (Matthew 15:12-14; 23:23-39), it has never had the sense to return to the former state (of keeping The Covenant) and it has laid down its plenipotentiary powers at OUR feet. Remember the French Revolution, to which it was we who gave the name of “Great”: the secrets of its preparations are well known to us, for it was wholly the work of our hands.

True Feminism by a lady https://truefeminists.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-taming-of-shrew.html